How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You Within Minutes

How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You Within Minutes

How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You Within Minutes
How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You Within Minutes

Your Strengths and Your Weaknesses

A lot of people are selfish to the point to impudence. They expect the best in their partners, but they do not take a look at themselves.
They are too busy dealing with how their perfect man or woman should be, but they do not bother about their own selves.
That is why most times we end up expecting too more than what we deserve. Now, it is not that we should not build high expectations, but dreaming in vain serves no purpose.
It only leads to heartbreak when things do not go the way we want. And, if you cannot cut your coat according to your cloth, such heartbreak is more likely to happen.
So, you need to begin with a little introspection first. Start by finding out what you are good at… and what you are not good at.
Think from the other person’s point of view. How do they consider you? What, do they think, are your strengths and weaknesses?
Make a list of all those points. Write them down, When you see words taking shape in front of you, they make a better impact on the mind.

How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You Within Minutes
Fall in love at first kiss

Be honest with yourself.

This list is only for you, no one else is going to see it, so you can be as frank with it as you want. It does not matter if your weaknesses are far too many in comparison to your strengths.
Once you have this list ready, start planning your strategies. You have
to think of a two-pronged approach.
  • You have to think what you can do to correct your weaknesses,


  • You have to think what you can do to enhance your strengths.

Everyone has imperfections, but not everyone realizes them. The very fact that you can come out of denial and accept the shortcomings within you will mean a lot to you. Acceptance is always the first step of improvement.

Some of these weaknesses will be trivial things… things like you do not know how to dance, you do not know how to approach people, you have a habit of not listening to people when they are conversing with you, and so on. It is easy to improve upon them. Some of them may be severe, such as financial problem or a health problem.

See what you can do to improve upon it.
At the same time, do not forget the underlying theme here… a person truly loves you only if they can accept you as they are.

How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You Within Minutes
How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You Within Minutes

But that does not mean you do not try to improve yourself whenever you can. If you want someone to fall in love with you, then it is your responsibility to be a better person for them as well.

Also, do not ignore your strengths. If you have something that could be great in a relationship, work on them a little more. See how you can improve their. A little education never hurts. Practice your
expertise to perfection. Often, people will ignore your weaknesses if your strengths are too great.
So, that is where you start… understanding what love is, and then understanding what kind of person you are.
When you have these two things firmly entrenched in your mind, you are on your way to finding love at the drop of a hat!


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